Welcome to the rubble, to the garden of my mind. Indulge in the emotion of “melt into this,” a curated collection of contemporary short poems that offer a snapshot of the modern human experience. This enchanting zine, is the inaugural printed work of Lorne, a poet new to the poetry scene. Within these pages, you’ll journey through the subtle intricacies of everyday moments, the turbulence of personal struggles, and the boundless beauty of the natural world. “melt into this” is more than a magazine—it’s a portal to unique perspectives and artistic expressions, crafted to inspire, provoke thought, and stir the soul. Whether you’re a long-time poetry enthusiast or a newcomer to the genre, this collection promises to engage, uplift, and linger in your heart and mind. Embrace the rhythm of contemporary verse and let “melt into this” be your guide through the landscapes of Lorne’s emotion and imagination.